Sixense monitors the condition and behavior of structures and infrastructures. This makes construction and operation safer, while optimizing maintenance.

Presentation and key figures

Sixense is an international company that provides a unique and complete range of consulting and on-site services, as well as data management capabilities to build and manage infrastructure projects.

Our monitoring, diagnosis and modeling capabilities enable our customers to take the pulse of their infrastructures in order to better understand and sustain their performance throughout their lifecycle.

Our four specialties (Engineering, Monitoring, Digital and Mapping) cover the entire infrastructure lifecycle, from design & build to operate & maintain, to decommissioning.

Digital technologies and advanced data management capabilities are the basis of our technical expertise, which we use to assist clients with their digital transformation.

Sixense operates in many market segments such as airports, dams, buildings, wind and nuclear power, engineering structures, rail and road networks, and urban engineering.

0 M€
in revenue (2023)
employees (2023)


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Sixense on social medias

Urmărirea comportării în timp pentru silozuri – Sixense RO
Urmărirea comportării în timp pentru silozuri – Sixense RO Urmărirea comportării în timp pentru silozuri – cum se face corect, ce presupune și ce spune legislația. Detalii aici:
Urmărirea comportării în timp pentru proiectele rezidențiale – Sixense RO
Urmărirea comportării în timp pentru proiectele rezidențiale – Sixense RO Repere de bune practici și standarde legislative pentru urmărirea comportării în timp în cazul proiectelor rezidențiale. Detalii aici:
Încercarea cu probe statice și dinamice pentru poduri – Sixense RO
Încercarea cu probe statice și dinamice pentru poduri – Sixense RO Cum se face corect încercarea cu probe statice și dinamice pentru poduri și ce ne spune legislația. Detalii aici:
Sixense's CSR Commitments
Sixense's CSR Commitments We invite you to discover in this video the CSR approach implemented by Sixense.
As we wanted to make our CSR project a true enterprise-wide initiative, we have designed our approach in collaboration with all our internal stakeholders: employees, management, experts ...
Sixense - Nos Engagements RSE
Sixense - Nos Engagements RSE Nous vous invitons à découvrir dans cette vidéo la démarche RSE mise en place par Sixense.
Véritable projet structurant pour l'entreprise, nous avons pensé notre démarche RSE de façon collaborative avec l'ensemble de nos parties prenantes internes : salariés, Direction, experts ...
Portrait collaborateur : rencontre avec Kevin Saval, ingénieur structure
Portrait collaborateur : rencontre avec Kevin Saval, ingénieur structure 👷 Aujourd’hui, nous partons à la rencontre de Kévin Salvan, ingénieur structure depuis trois ans, au sein du pôle Bâtiment et Infrastructure de Sixense Engineering dans notre agence de Nanterre.
8 mars, Journée internationale des droits des femmes – Sixense donne la parole à ses...
8 mars, Journée internationale des droits des femmes – Sixense donne la parole à ses... A l’occasion de cette Journée internationale des droits des femmes, nous avons donné la parole aux talents féminins qui composent Sixense.
Notre objectif, demander à chacune ce que signifie pour elle d’être une femme au sein de Sixense. Dans ...
Sixense Helimap: LiDAR and photogrammetric data acquisition and processing services
Sixense Helimap: LiDAR and photogrammetric data acquisition and processing services Sixense Helimap is a Swiss company providing LiDAR and photogrammetric data acquisition and processing services. We use helicopters, drones, ultralights or terrestrial vehicles.
The original and unique design of our systems gives them unparalleled intervention flexibility, unlimited modularity and the ability ...
Rencontre avec Louise Delon et Bastien Fidele
Rencontre avec Louise Delon et Bastien Fidele Nous partons à Bordeaux à la rencontre de Louise et Bastien, respectivement Responsable Projet depuis 6 ans et Chargé de Réalisation depuis 5 ans. Louise et Bastien sont tous deux membres de l’agence Sixense Engineering de Bordeaux.
Découvrez leur ...
Beyond Asset – Sixense – RO
Beyond Asset – Sixense – RO Beyond Asset by Sixense este platforma digitală pentru gestionarea operațiunilor din etapa de exploatare a proiectelor de infrastructură. Detalii aici:
Beyond Monitoring – Sixense – RO
Beyond Monitoring – Sixense – RO Beyond Monitoring by Sixense este platforma digitală pentru monitorizarea riscurilor geotehnice și structurale ale proiectelor de construcții. Detalii aici:
Beyond Monitoring - Sixense - EN
Beyond Monitoring - Sixense - EN Beyond Monitoring is a web-based platform that allows real-time management of monitoring data from your site(s) and the surrounding environment.
For more information visit our website:
Beyond Monitoring   - Sixense  -FR
Beyond Monitoring - Sixense -FR Découvrez en images Beyond Monitoring, notre plateforme logicielle de gestion de données d’instrumentation en temps réel.
Portrait collaborateur : rencontre avec Guillaume Colin
Portrait collaborateur : rencontre avec Guillaume Colin Découvrez notre (vice) champion, Guillaume Colin, chef de projet chez Sixense necs.
A travers son témoignage, Guillaume nous partage son parcours alliant vie professionnelle, personnelle et compétition sportive. Il nous parle également de l’accompagnement de Sixense dont il a bénéficié ...
Journée d'intégration - mars 2023
Journée d'intégration - mars 2023 Découvrez les coulisses de la journée d'intégration Sixense de mars 2023.
Solution digitale de gestion de patrimoine : Beyond Asset
Solution digitale de gestion de patrimoine : Beyond Asset Maîtriser l'exploitation des infrastructures en valorisant leurs données.
Beyond Asset est la solution d'asset management permettant de connaître et suivre vos infrastructures dans le temps pour optimiser leurs exploitations. De l’inventaire à la maintenance, en passant par le diagnostic, Beyond Asset ...
Digital asset management solution: Beyond Asset
Digital asset management solution: Beyond Asset Manage infrastructure operations by enhancing their data.
Beyond Asset is the asset management solution that allows you to know and monitor your infrastructure over time in order to optimise their operations. From inventory to maintenance, via diagnosis, Beyond Asset helps you ...
Sixense Digital, solutions digitales métiers pour valoriser les infrastructures et leur cycle de vie
Sixense Digital, solutions digitales métiers pour valoriser les infrastructures et leur cycle de vie Sixense Digital conçoit et déploie des solutions digitales valorisant les infrastructures et leur cycle de vie.
Nos solutions accélèrent l’innovation et la transformation digitale pour piloter la qualité, garantir la sécurité, optimiser et maîtriser la complexité des opérations.
La valorisation de vos ...
Digital business solutions of Sixense to enhance the value of infrastructure and their life cycle
Digital business solutions of Sixense to enhance the value of infrastructure and their life cycle Our experts at Sixense digital design and deploy digital solutions that enhance infrastructure and their life cycle.
The solutions accelerate innovation and digital transformation to drive quality, guarantee safety, optimise and control the complexity of operations.
The enhancement of your data ...
Digital solution for worksite management: Beyond InSite
Digital solution for worksite management: Beyond InSite Optimise worksites performance by digitising their processes.
More information on:
Beyond DigitalSite is the construction monitoring solution that allows better collaboration between the different actors of your worksite.
Solution digitale de suivi de chantier : Beyond InSite
Solution digitale de suivi de chantier : Beyond InSite Optimiser la performance des chantiers en digitalisant leurs processus.
Plus d'informations sur le site dédié :
Beyond InSite est la solution de suivi de la construction qui permet de favoriser la collaboration entre les différents acteurs du chantier.

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